Ibis Cycles

Ripley Full Suspension Mountain Bike - NGX Kit

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$5,599.00 $5,599.00
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Product Details

The Ripley is our snappy, flickable, playful, fast, lightweight, and versatile 29” trail bike. Its combination of modern geometry, a stiff lightweight carbon chassis, and 120mm of ultra efficient dw-link travel, means it’s equally happy popping off bonus lines as it is crushing all day epics.

Product Specifications

  • LONGER, SLACKER, STEEPER: With its well bal­anced mod­ern geom­e­try, the Rip­ley is ready for any adven­ture. The long front end, slack head angle, and short rear end gives you the con­fi­dence to try new lines, while the steep seat tube angle and short­er off­set fork makes it easy to maneu­ver tech­ni­cal climbs and flowy singletrack.
  • DW LINK: Since 2005, we’ve part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, that has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing.
  • LONG DROPPER POST: We use names like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it’s easy to under­stand, but our ultra low stan­dovers and clear­ance for long drop­pers give you the abil­i­ty to size based on reach.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON, FOR EVERYONE: Whether you order an XTR or NX kit, you’ll get the same pre­mi­um car­bon fiber frame. All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance. The Rip­ley weighs 5 lbs with­out shock.
  • FORK OFFSET: Some­times, short­er is bet­ter. Instead of the typ­i­cal 51mm off­set, the new Rip­ley uses a 44mm off­set. This gives you the sta­bil­i­ty of a slack­er head angle, while retain­ing the BMX like feel of, well, a Ripley.
  • 2.6" TIRE CLEARANCE: We pio­neered the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion a few years ago and inspired a new crop of wider 2.4” — 2.6” tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra low pres­sures that pro­duce elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing speed.
  • REMOVABLE ISCG05 MOUNT: There if you want it, remov­able if you don’t.
  • INTERNAL CABLE TUNNELS: Inter­nal cable rout­ing used to be a pain in the ass but our inter­nal tubes make rout­ing easy. Just pop the hous­ing through and it comes out the oth­er end, no need for swear words or a pickset.
  • REPLACEABLE DOWNTUBE PROTECTOR: Our remov­able poly­car­bon­ate skid plate pro­tects your down­tube from sharp pointy things.