Trail Guide Books

Trails of the Sawtooth & Boulder - White Cloud Mountains

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Product Details

This new edition provides GPS coordinates for all trailheads. 143 trails for hiking, horseback riding and biking in and next to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area are described. Includes 3 new wilderness areas: Cecil d. Andrus White Clouds, Hemingway-Boulders, Jim McClure-Jerry Peak. In updating the book, Trails of the Sawtooth and Boulder-White Cloud Mountains, Margaret added some difficult hikes and ones in remote areas, three of them backpacking trips, although she is now 82. These were to cover one of the new wildernesses, the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness.

Technical Specifications

Closer to Sun Valley, along the Big Wood River, swirl the pink and gray stripes of the Boulder Mountains. All three ranges are within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. This book is a comprehensive guide to that area. Trailheads included in the Sawtooths are at and near Alturas, Pettit, Redfish and Stanley Lakes, and Grandjean, Graham and Atlanta. In the Cecil d. Andrus White Clouds Wilderness, trails covered begin at Pole Creek, Fourth of July Creek, Fisher Creek, Rough Creek, Slate Creek and along the East Fork of the Salmon River. In the Cecil d Andrus White Clouds, some of the trailheads covered are the North Fork of the Big Wood River, Gladiator Creek, Three Cabins Creek and the Bowery Guard Station. In the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness some of the trailheads covered are Herd Lake, Bowery Creek, Sage Creek, Toolbox Creek, and Hunter Creek Summit.